Born in 1994, in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated Toho Gakuen School of Music and learned composition under KAZUO MISSÉ. Received advanced training under E.Tanguy, I.Fedele and S.Gervasoni.

 Won the second prize of the 83rd Music Competition of Japan at the age of 20. This composition led to the discovery by TOSHI ICHIYANAGI. Was awarded the Toshi Ichiyanagi Contemporary Prize as the youngest recipient in history. 

 The most notable works are [Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and String Orchestra JANUS] (2020) commissioned by SUNTORY HALL, [Friends for viola and piano](2023)commissioned by AYAKO TAHARA(produced by Tokyo Opera City Cultural Foundation), [Prologue for string quartet](2023)commissioned by MUSIC FROM JAPAN(New York),[Phoenix for cello solo](2022)commissioned by MICHIAKI UENO(produced by Tokyo Opera City Cultural Council Foundation), [Prelude for piano](2022)commissioned by PTINA, [Myth for Violin Solo](2022) commissioned by KYOKO OGAWA,  [Aoide for Viola Solo] (2019) commissioned by AYAKO TAHARA, [Vocalise for Cello Solo](2018) commissioned by MICHIAKI UENO, [Atrium for Cello and Orchestra](2018)(2014), and arrangement works [Japanese Folk Songs for Viola Series](2015~) including [SAKURA](2019), [Dragonflies](2019) commissioned by AYAKO TAHARA, [Core’ ngrato for Orchestra and Baritone] commissioned by SUNTORY HALL and KEI YONASHIRO. Her works have been performed by TOKYO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, KANAGAWA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, JAPAN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, SUNTORY ACADEMY ORCHESTRA, MOMENTA QUARTET and world known musicians including MICHIAKI UENO, CHRIS GROSS, FUMIKA MOHRI, AYAKO TAHARA, KEI YONASHIRO, KENJI NAKAGI.

 And also, she has found passion towards arts beyond the classical musical field. There are [SANBASOH for Koto, Shakuhachi, Okawa and Shamisen] (2021) commissioned by HONJOH HIDEJIRO and DENTOUGAKUSHA CORPORATION and [MONOLOGUE] (2014) for Chinese instrument Erhu as notable works for traditional Asian instrument. In 2018, Collaborated with project mapping by award-winning actor and stage director AKIRA SHIRAI at Kanagawa Art Foundation Project. In 2021, collaborated with the Purple Ribbon Medal sculpture SUSUMU KOSHIMIZU in an exhibition at Tokyo Art Gallery+BTAP. Produced collaboration projects [Concert for eyes and ears] (2023) and this concert was selected as a Suntory Arts Foundation Recommended Concert.
  Has just completed her first opera [MITSOUKO] commissioned by KUMI TANIGUCHI (Christian Dior Special Adviser). 

  In 2020, established MORI MUSIC OFFICE to co-own copyright with commissioners which is an innovative way of commissions to make music be a part of society. Became a lecturer of Toho Gakuen School of Music in 2017, as the youngest member of its faculty in the school’s history. Gave a lecture at the Columbia University (New York) as a guest speaker in 2023.

  There is a book [How to live as a musician](Artes Pubulishing) written by Izumiko Aoyagi.



 1994年東京生まれ。桐朋学園にて三瀬和朗氏に師事。在学中より、E.タンギー, I.フェデーレ, S.ジェルバゾーニ各氏の指導を受ける。


 代表作として、サントリーホール委嘱作品「ヴァイオリンとチェロのための二重協奏曲 ヤーヌス」(2020)、田原綾子委嘱(東京オペラシティ文化財団企画)「フレンズ ヴィオラとピアノのための」(2022)、ピティナ委嘱「前奏曲 未知なる世界へ 独奏ピアノのための」(2022)、上野通明委嘱(東京オペラシティ文化財団企画)「不死鳥 独奏チェロのための」(2022)、MUSIC FROM JAPAN 委嘱「プロローグ 弦楽四重奏のための」(2022)、小川恭子委嘱作品「神話 独奏ヴァイオリンのための」(2020)、田原綾子委嘱作品「アオイデ 独奏ヴィオラのための」(2019)、上野通明委嘱作品「ヴォカリーズ 独奏チェロのための」(2018)、「音のアトリウムⅢ 独奏チェロとオーケストラのための」(2018)(2014)。また、編曲作品として田原綾子委嘱作品「ヴィオラのための日本の名曲シリーズ」(2015~)「さくら」「赤とんぼ」「浜辺の歌」他、サントリーホール・与那城敬委嘱作品「カタリ・カタリ」(2020)など。

 また、幅広い分野における芸術にも重きを置いている。代表作として本條秀慈郎・(株)傳燈樂舎委嘱作品「三番叟 十七絃、尺八、大鼓、三味線のための」(2021)や中国の伝統楽器二胡のための「モノローグ」など。2018年神奈川芸術財団プロジェクトにて演出家・俳優の白井晃氏とプロジェクトマッピングによるコラボレーションプロジェクト、2021年紫綬褒章受章美術家小清水漸氏と東京画廊+BTAPにて展覧会を開催。2023年サントリー芸術財団推薦コンサート[展覧会「日本の芸術のいまを観る」~継承と革新~](コラボレーション企画)プロデュース。

 2020年MORI MUSIC OFFICE設立。著作権共有など委嘱の現代化、多様化を推進。2017年23歳で桐朋学園大学・高校非常勤講師就任。2023年(米)コロンビア大学にて講演。関連書籍として青柳いづみこ著「音楽で生きていく」(アルテスパブリッシング)など。